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Our monthly luncheons are the second Tuesday of each month at Memphis National Golf Course.

All dining attendees are required to pre-register by either paying online for lunch OR RSVPing and paying at the door. If you register, you will be billed regardless if you are unable to attend.


Luncheon Registration deadline is required by the Wednesday prior the event.

Questions about your reservations? Contact Kathy Reagan via text or email.

April Luncheon
to Apr 12

April Luncheon


April Luncheon with Worth Morgan, Chairman of the Republican Party of Shelby County

Luncheon registration deadline is required by the Wednesday prior to the event - April 2nd.. If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

Questions about your reservations? Contact Kathy Reagan via text or email.

11:00am | Join our Prayer Coalition

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Luncheon and Business begins with speaker following

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Stop Human Trafficking FREE Training

Stop Human Trafficking FREE Training

LIMITED SEATiNG, kindly register asap.

This Anti-Human Trafficking training is designed to equip businesses, employees, customers, and community citizens with the necessary knowledge to recognize signs of human trafficking and take appropriate action.

All of Shelby County is invited to attend a FREE TRAINING, provided by Tennessee Secretary of State, hosted by @Shelby County Republican Women's Club.


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Ladies Day on the Hill

Ladies Day on the Hill

Join Republican women across the state to celebrate!

Date: April 14, 2025

Schedule: Shuttle Service to Capitol 8am, Registration begins at 9am in the House Chamber, Light breakfast before program, Program begins at 10am, Photos at 11am, Luncheon at 11:45am at hotel.

Luncheon: $50 per person paid to the club by April 1st.

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May Luncheon

May Luncheon


May Luncheon with Danny Cosby

Luncheon registration deadline is required by the Wednesday prior to the event - May 5th. If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

Questions about your reservations? Contact Kathy Reagan via text or email.

11:00am | Join our Prayer Coalition

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Luncheon and Business begins with speaker following

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65th Anniversary Party

65th Anniversary Party

Reservations are required.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or RSVP and pay at the meeting.

**The deadline for reservations is June 3rd. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

6:00pm | BBQ Dinner


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September Luncheon

September Luncheon

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or RSVP and pay at the meeting.

**The deadline for reservations is September 3rd. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer Coalition

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Business Meeting

Lunch is Served


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October Luncheon

October Luncheon

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or RSVP and pay at the meeting.

**The deadline for reservations is October 8th. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer Coalition

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Business Meeting

Lunch is Served


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November Luncheon

November Luncheon

  • 10135 National Club Drive Collierville, TN, 38017 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or RSVP and pay at the meeting.

**The deadline for reservations is November 5th. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer Coalition

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Business Meeting

Lunch is Served


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December Christmas Tea

December Christmas Tea

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or contact Kathy Reagan via email or text with your name(s) of those attending

**The deadline for reservations is December 3rd. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Tea is Served

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March Luncheon

March Luncheon

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or RSVP and pay at the meeting.

**The deadline for reservations is March 5th. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer Coalition

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Business Meeting

Lunch is Served


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February Luncheon with Tre Hargett, Tennessee Secretary of State

February Luncheon with Tre Hargett, Tennessee Secretary of State

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or RSVP and pay at the meeting.

**The deadline for reservations is February 5th. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer Coalition

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Business Meeting

Lunch is Served


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January Luncheon with Ben Deeter and Panel

January Luncheon with Ben Deeter and Panel

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or RSVP and pay at the meeting.

**The deadline for reservations is January 8th. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer Coalition

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Business Meeting

Lunch is Served


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December Christmas Tea  & Silent Auction

December Christmas Tea & Silent Auction

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or contact Kathy Reagan via email or text with your name(s) of those attending

**The deadline for reservations is December 3rd. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Tea is Served

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Luncheon with Mark White

Luncheon with Mark White

Reservations are required if staying for lunch.

How to RSVP: Pay Online or contact Kathy Reagan via email or text with your name(s) of those attending

**The deadline for reservations is November 6th. ** If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, payment will be expected and collected. Checks and credit cards are accepted at the luncheon.

11:00am | Prayer

11:30am | Social & Check In

12:00pm | Business Meeting

Lunch is Served


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Tennessee Freedom Tour

Tennessee Freedom Tour

Gorgeous fall weather creates a perfect day to rally with family and friends to get out the vote! Trump 2024! Come by and grab a cool photo op with the Trump and Vance decorated bus!!!

Shelby County Get out the Vote Rally, paid for by Kustoff for Congress.

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Get Out The Vote Series

Get Out The Vote Series

Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW members truly know what words like citizenship and patriotism mean and the obligations that come with them. There is no group of citizens that has a more vested right to vote than our nation’s veterans. We must continue to play a role as patriotic citizens and get involved in the elections! Collierville Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5066 is proud to announce the “GET OUT THE VOTE!” speaker series in 2024.

This event is free and open to the public! There will be free coffee and donuts for the attendees. SCRWC is donating donuts this month!

Candidates will be presenting to be heard one last time before Election Day on the 5th! DOORS OPEN at 7am and PROGRAM begins at 7:30am.

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