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As an active member of the Shelby County Republican Women club, you become a member and have access to the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women (TNFRW) and also the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW)!

SO many ways to learn and grow!


Social Media Tips - In this age of technology, social media is not only a useful tool, it can also be a fun way to share news and important information about your club and for your club. However, in our zeal to have successful social media platforms there are some things that we need to consider.

Training Leaders - 2023 Convention Training Power Point by Sharon Boreing

Republicans vs. Democrats: What Do We Believe? - Easy to Read Flyer to keep. learn and grow!

IRIS Newsletter - Monthly email to help you keep up with everything happening in your area and your state.


Exclusive Speaking Events with national speakers:

Republican National Committee Leaders, U.S. Senators and Representatives , residential Candidates 


Standing Rules

Leadership Contacts


Award Information

Committee Resources

Americanism , Armed Services, Campaign, Caring for America, Election Integrity, Faith Coalition, Fundraising, Homeland Security, Legislation and Research, Literacy and Education, Public Relations


Public Relations Training 

Candidate Recruitment Seminars 

Bite Sized Tools You Can Use - Topics include: How to Talk Politics without Talking Politics, Parliamentary Procedure, Using Social Media Effectively, and more. 

NFRW Faith Coalition - Topics include: Restoring Patriotism and Sacrifice, Restoring Community, Human Trafficking and Drug Use, and more.

EmpowerHer - Topics include: Unraveling Rhetoric from Action, Mentoring Young Women, and more.  (Members under 40)

Capital Connection - Weekly electronic newsletter packed with articles on current issues, events around the federation, surveys to make your voice heard, and more. 

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