Shelby County Republican Women

are the life of the party!



January 25, 2025

Shelby County Republican Party Reorg

Doors open 11:00am; doors close 12:00pm
The Venue at Bartlett Station
5868 Stage Rd, Bartlett, TN

Don't miss the largest republican convention in the state of Tennessee!

Register NOW! Every registered Republican needs to be in attendance for the every two-year vote for our local Shelby County Republican Party. BEFORE you can vote, you MUST pre-register. Do not delay in registering because it takes time to vet the Qualified Participants.


  • January 25, 2025 - Doors open 11:00am and close at 12:00pm. Plan on being there at 11:00am because you will not be allowed in at 12:00pm or after. Bring snacks/drinks because this could last for hours listening to those running.

  • The Venue at Bartlett Station, 5868 Stage Rd, Bartlett, TN. Parking is in the Kroger near there, and you will need to walk. Plan on being there early to park and walk.

  • There are TWO slates running, so please visit each link below and educate yourself on those running!

  • Qualified Participant - If you have not voted in the last 3 of 4 republican primaries (August 2020, August 2022, March 2024, August 2024), but would like to be a Qualified Participant and would like to still vote in convention, you can submit the Qualified Consideration Form for consideration to the "Contest & Credentials Committee" by bringing the completed form with you to the RPSC Convention and your proof of activities. You can also reach out to them and email too. Be aware... this does NOT mean you are qualified until you have been vetted by the Credentials Committee. REGISTER and they will inform you

  • We have provided the Supplemental Rules and the Draft of Rule E (which was adopted), so you can read, print and be prepared for the Convention.

ReOrg Flyer

Candidates and Slates

Qualified Consideration

Rule E, Draft

Supplemental Rules

Become a Member

Each One - Bring One -

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What lies behind you and what lies before you pales in comparison to what lies within you.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Congratulations President-Elect Donald J. Trump! #45 #47